Photos Courtesy of Black Creatures Instagram
By Kennedy Cook
Jade Green and Xavier first teamed up in their hometown Kansas City, Missouri back in 2013 to create the crucial and cohesive collaboration that is The Black Creatures. The original duo’s intention surpassed no more than a few collaborations on a few songs. However, the two eventually saw fit that they continue to combine forces to ignite change with their unique sound.
So unique in fact, The Black Creatures intentionally avoided having a recognizable genre. Their projects oftentimes blend contemporary styles of pop, hip-hop, dance, R&B, EDM, and soul with illusory and cinematic elements & themes. All of these factors contribute to The Black Creatures sound with both Green and Xavier writing and performing the vocals, and Xavier at the wheel of production. Green’s vocal background in opera sets the foundation for The Black Creatures, while Xavier’s violinist past aids in his composition and production work. With their intricate and creative approach that The Black Creatures take to their art, comes a diverse audience that regularly assembles to their gripping performances.
Their newest project to date, Wild Echoes, takes an introspective approach into matters of suicide, grief, love, and mental health, predominantly within the black community. As survivors of suicide attempts themselves, Jade and Xavier saw fit that they provide a glimpse of hope that allows people to imagine the unimaginable. The album, written entirely by Jade and Xavier, features their earlier-released single “Wretched” which critiques the prison industrial complex system. They discuss not just repairing the system, but completely undoing it. This track samples 90s style and delves deep into the prevailing systems of socioeconomic and cultural hierarchy, how they operate, and important steps to ensure their demise.
With additional songs titled “Fear & Chaos”, “The Grey Rain Bird”, and “The Fall & Winter”, The Black Creatures create a murky and obscure vibe that foreshadows some of the heavier topics they discuss. However, listeners do begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel with love ballad “U N I Verse” and vibe-induced “D’ummm”. This 12-track EP explores the many injustices formed against the black-community, all while highlighting the power and light on the other side of adversity.