Brother Badman Continues Productive 2020 with "Water Under the Bridge"

Photos Courtesy of Brother Badman Instagram

Photos Courtesy of Brother Badman Instagram

By Dina Louis

Brother Badman, known formerly as BobbyC, is an artist from Boston. He is a relatively new rapper, as his first single, “Boulder”,  was released just at the end of last year, yet he is getting a good amount of recognition for his out of the ordinary lyrics and stellar musical arrangement. On July 6th, 2020, he released his single, “Water Under The Bridge” with the most notable sound being the mesmerizing acoustic guitar. Although, this is certainly not the first time Brother Badman has highlighted the guitar, “Water Under The Bridge'' has acoustics that are unforgettable. The guitar works well with the drums to create a smooth but upbeat tune. He has created a country music fusion with R&B style beats. Going into the first minute of the song, Brother Badman switches up his pace and begins rapping faster. He continually keeps this track fresh by adding and taking away different elements of the song, such as the volume of a certain instrument. Brother Badman has shown that he is unafraid to experiment with different sounds and unafraid to rearrange different instruments to keep the track compelling and refreshing to listen.